
Our horse wall art prints feature true-to-life photos, abstract works, monochrome and full colour prints. If you don’t find what you want on our website we can find what you are looking for or if you have your own special photograph we are happy to print and frame it. View our entire animal wall art collection here.



Horse lovers can never have too many horse pictures on their walls and our collection of horse wall art is sure to delight. Icelandic horses are a unique breed and our stunning horse canvas wall prints capture these special creatures in lovely natural tones of brown, tan, beige and sepia. Snow white horses delight the eye with their majestic stance and make fabulous centre-pieces in a living room or dining area.

Enchant a little girl with a magical unicorn! Unicorns are the hot trend and a must-have for her bedroom or playroom. Our unicorn wall print fascinates with a headdress of colourful flowers in tones of pink, coral, purple, green and blue.

Our horse wall art prints feature true-to-life photos, abstract works, monochrome and full colour prints. If you don’t find what you want on our website we can find what you are looking for or if you have your own special photograph we are happy to print and frame it. View our entire animal wall art collection here.